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Mission Style Dish Towels in Turned Taquete

Ravelry is responsible for a lot of inspiration, not just for knitters and crocheters, but especially for weavers. When I came across Mission Style Dish Towels in Turned Taquete (Handwoven Sept/Oct 2015), they immediately went into my mental queue as something I had to try. I finally got around to them in March-April of this year. I wanted brighter towels than those in the article so I chose the yarns below, a mix of stash yarn and yarn I had to order for the project. I wound two bouts of this color combo. Wound one bout of this color combo. On the back of the loom.  This pattern has you use select a warp color to weave as weft for each towel. I did one towel each in Burnt Sienna, Lime Green, Yellow, Turquoise, and Purple. Not surprisingly, the turquoise was my favorite. Burn sienna weft. Lime green weft.  I had some real problems with selvedges. I ended up cutting off the floating selvedges eventually and was much happier.  I also misre...

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