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Photo A Day Challenge: January 23 & 25

Yes, I am skipping 24 until I figure out what it is and get a photo of it. Do you want to know the theme? Guilty Pleasure. Yarn? Chocolate? What if I don't feel guilty about it? :) You'll be the first to know when I figure it out!

January 23 "Something Old"

Photo A Day Challenge: "Something Old" 1938 Singer Featherweight

I think my Singer Featherweight is one of the oldest things I own--it is from 1938.

January 25 "Something You Made"

#janphotoaday Jan 25 "something you made"

I made my bed and I made the quilt on it. :) People, I finally bound this quilt! I had it quilted about a year ago by Deb Kerr of Stone Valley Quilting and she did a fabulous job. I don't really know what took me so long to get motivated to do the last simple steps of cutting off the excess fabric and binding the quilt. This quilt is huge and heavy. It is beautiful and I love it!


Wendy said…
What a gorgeous sewing machine. My grandma taught me to sew on her old Singer. It had a drop leaf table and treadle. Your Singer brings back memories.
Kimberly Davis said…
Misty, How about for a guilty pleasure some music or a movie that you love that is considered to be cheesy? I just watched the movie Overboard starring Goldie Hawn, which I absolutely adore but will admit that it is a terribly cheesy movie! -Kim
indigo midge said…
The thing I love about your sewing machine is that it crosses over from an art object to a functional object.
Misty said…
Kim, that is an excellent idea! I just followed your advice. :)
Cynthia said…
Love the quilt!!!


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